How to interpret YTCockpit results

In the first video, we demonstrated how you can easily generate a list of keyword ideas. In this video we'd like to go into more detail where the information comes from and how you can interpret it.

To determine the potential of a keyword, we need to know how often it gets searched for. Unfortunately, Youtube does not officially provide us with the exact no. of times specific keywords get searched for.

With the AdWords Keyword Planner, we know how many times a keyword is searched for on the Google Search page. And we know that Youtube, which belongs to Google as well, is the second largest search engine - so there's definitely going to be a strong correlation between the searches performed on Google and on Youtube.

That why in our column "monthly searches" you'll find the data is identical with the data from the Google Adwords Keyword Planner. This is the best data you can get.

What Youtube does provide, is an estimate as to how many impressions (or in other words Video views) are generated for specific keywords. This data is provided in the Google Adwords Display Planner tool. We show this information in a second column next to the Monthly Searches.

The "Impressions per Week" are very vague. But it allows you to evaluate the monthly searches figure. So, for example, if a keyword has thousands of monthly searches, but the Impressions per week is not higher than 1000, then that specific keyword may not have as many searches on Youtube.

Please bear in mind, that the "Impressions per Week" value is very vague - but it's the second best figure we have and it does make sense to at least review it.

The other columns about the top ranking youtube videos - views, duration, likes, dislikes, comments, etc. - these values are very accurate as this information is obviously provided.