Welcome to YTCockpit!

In this video I will show you the basic functions of the tool.

Here in the dashboard you have access to video tutorials, manuals and much more.

Click on this button to start a new keyword search.

Next type in a keyword, select your language and country - this corresponds to the youtube portal in the chosen country. Optionally you can add a name and a icon to your search.

On the right hand side, you can choose which sources should be used to generate ideas around your starting keyword.

By default Youtube Suggest Synonyms are activated. These keyword ideas are highly relevant, as all users searching on youtube will see these ideas in the suggest box when they type in a keyword. (aufzeigen, wie das auf youtube.com funktioniert)

In a second step the tool automatically adds a space, letters and numbers and collects the new suggestions.

You can choose if these modifiers should be placed in front of, inbetween, or at the end of your words. All of these ideas will be collected by YTCockpit.

This is the automatic process when you start a new search with Youtube Suggest.

In addition you can generate ideas from Google AdWords, Google Suggest or Google Related searches.

When you choose Google AdWords, you can filter the generated ideas by "closely related ideas", or by a minimum monthly search value or you can include and exclude a specific word if necessary.

You can activate multiple data sources at once, but of course, the more sources you choose the longer it's going to take until the search is complete.

Make sure you select at least one data source. Then click on save and close to start the search. This may take a while.

Now you can see at the right bottom how many keyword ideas were found.

For every keyword idea, YTCockpit gathered all the information related to the keyword and all of the top 20 ranking videos for every single keyword - and has crunched all of this data into one easy to filter list.

By default, the keywords are sorted by a "Score" value. This takes into account the no. of searches versus the competition strength. So at the top, you should see keyword opportunities, where with relatively small effort you should be able to reach a large audience - the currently ranking videos probably aren't that tough to outrank.

But you can sort by any other column, for example the monthly searches. In a second video, we will explain the difference between Monthly Searches and Impressions per Week. But for now, all you need to know is that the "Monthly Searches" is the best data we have regarding the no. of times it gets searched for on Youtube in the chosen language and country.

This orange bar shows you, how many of the top 20 Youtube videos are available in high definition. If the bar is empty, it means many of the top ranking videos are not in high definition quality yet - which is a factor used for the ranking. You can also sort by this column - here you can see the keyword where the most videos are not in high definition yet - this may be an opportunity, as you'll probably outrank a low quality video quite easily.

Here you can see the the average view counts and lengths of the top 20 videos. Again - here you can sort by both of these columns. Let's sort by the average view counts - here we have the video with the least no. of average views - again, this may be an opportunity for us - once your video has more views than this, it will probably outrank the competition.

Not only can you sort the columns, you can also set filters on all the columns.

For example you can sort after the duration of the videos or you can activate a filter so that you can see only those keywords of which the top 20 videos have not more than 50’000 views on average.

You can double click on any keyword to view the top 20 videos in detail.

At the top you can see a summary of the keyword again. Secondly, you can see the videos ranking on the first page of youtube and all their metrics.

You can click on the video, to view it on Youtube. Then you can see the channel name, the metrics regarding the video itself - the view count, likes, dislikes and comments, you can see how the video has been shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus - and finally, you can see if there are backlinks pointing to these videos.

Thirdly, you can optionally compare your own videos with these top ranking videos - we've created another tutorial video showing how you can use this feature.

Finally, you also have a Google Trends overview - so you can determine how this keyword performs over time. For example, if it's a seasonal keyword, you may see a spike during specific months - which is very important to take into account.

The power of YTCockpit that all of this information is crunched into the overview list - remember every single keyword has 20 top ranking videos - so if you have 100 keywords - in the background we've analysed 2000 videos automatically for you! With the "Average", "minimum" and "maximum" columns you can filter through these 1000s of rows of data incredibly quickly and pin point the best opportunities for your business.

Click on delete list if you want to remove your search - this removes it from the tree on the left hand side too.